Our Pastor
Father Wayne Mills
Email: waynemills5@gmail.com
Website: www.ourmotherofperpetualhelp.ca
Office Phone: 705-647-5035
Fax: 705-647-5037
Father Wayne's Bio
Born in Kentville, Nova Scotia on the 28th of May, 1959. (Parents, who are both deceased, Dora and Oscar) – one sister Judith Butler. Raised in Milton, N.S.
Graduated in 1977 from Liverpool Regional High School.
Graduated in 1980 from St. Mary's University, Halifax N.S. with a B.A. double major in French Literature and Anthropology (Native Peoples of Atlantic Canada).
Graduated in 1981 from St. Mary's with a B. Ed. (language teacher - French and German).
Entered seminary for the Archdiocese of Halifax in 1981.
Graduated in 1984 from the Atlantic School of Theology with a M. Div. (Master of Divinity).
Took a leave of absence in 1985.
Worked various jobs from 1985 to 1986. From 1986 to 1990 worked as a Correctional Officer for the province of N.S.
From 1990 to 1994 worked as lay chaplain at O'Gorman High School in Timmins.
In 1992 asked by Fr. Maurice Magnan and Fr. (then) Paul Andre Durocher to consider priesthood in the Diocese of Timmins and moved in to Sacred Heart Parish, Timmins as a pastoral intern.
September 1993 ordained transitional deacon.
October 1993 named Parish Spiritual Advisor for the CWL at Sacred Heart.
On the 26th of May, 1994, ordained priest, assistant at Sacred Heart, Nativity, and chaplain at O'Gorman High Timmins, assistant at Nativity Parish Timmins, Special Advisor for the CWL at Nativity for that year as well.
Learned Italian in 1996 while living in Bassano del Grappa Italy.
1996 named Pastor at Sacred Heart.
1998 named Diocesan Advisor of the Catholic Women's League.
2005 named Pastor at Holy Name, Kirkland Lake and Moderator at Holy Trinity Englehart. Assigned to look after English services for Beaverhouse, Matachewan, and sometimes Wagashig First Nations.
Recently honoured by the Province of Ontario for 20 years membership on the Ontario Multifaith Council which protected (it is gone in March 2013 to save money) the religious rights of people in provincial hospitals and jails and 15 years as chair of the regional council for the north east.
Parish Staff & Office
As of September 1st, Bishop Marchand has appointed Deacon Larry Duke to be the permanent deacon associated with OMPH and St. Pat's Parishes on a "full-time" bases.
Our Coordinator of Programs is Paulette Rostad. She is responsible for coordinating the Sacraments of First Reconciliation, First Communion as well as Confirmation. Paulette also leads the RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults) program. As well she coordinates our special Masses such as Easter and Christmas.
Our Parish Secretary is Anita Herd. The office is open Wednesdays to Fridays from 9AM to Noon and 1PM to 4PM.
Our Caretakers are Rose Anne & Norm Quenneville. They are responsible for the care and upkeep of our beautiful Church.
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