Our History
In 1902, Father Beaudry, omi celebrated the first Mass in this area.
In 1903, the Oblate Fathers erected the first Church (St. Theodore's) on the site presently occupied by Armstrong Motors.
In 1915, Father Arseneault proceeded to have a large "basement" Church built on Dymond Crescent where Sacre-Coeur Church now stands.
In November 1926, Father Paquin changed the name of the Church from St. Theodore to Sacred Heart Church.
On August 21, 1927, Bishop Rheaume blessed the Parish Cemetery.
In February 1955, Father Murray was appointed curate at Sacred Heart Parish
On January 23, 1957, Father Murray requested to Bishop Tessier that an English Parish be built.
In the spring of 1957, construction of the new Church began.
On November 21, 1957, Father Murray was appointed the first pastor of Our Mother of Perpetual Help Parish by Bishop Tessier.
On December 1, 1957, the first Parish Mass was celebrated in our new Church.
At this time, there were 115 families registered in the Parish.
The first couple to be married was Lawrence Paquette and June Hamilton on December 26, 1957.
The first person to be baptized in the Church was James Wilson on December 27, 1957.
The first funeral in the Church was on March 4, 1958 for Joseph Jordan.
The only organization which spans the life of the Parish is the Catholic Women's League which was formed on November 26, 1953.
The first Parish Council of Our Mother of Perpetual Help Parish was formed in February 1967 by Father MJ Scully.
In May 1971 construction of English Catholic Central School began.
On April 10, 1972, ECCS opened its doors to Catholic students in the area. There were 19 teachers employed to eduacate 325 students from JK to Grade 8.
In June 1976, Dalton Wilson assembled a group of parishioners and formed the Catholic Literature Fund.
In the fall of 1979, the program "Let the Children Come to Me" was founded.
On June 11, 1980 Bishop Landriault ordained Bernard MacDonald as the first permanent deacon in the Diocese.
On January 11, 1982, major renovations in the Chruch began under the leadership of Canon Jones.
During the nine weeks of renovations, the parishioners of OMPH celebrated Sunday Mass at Eglisse Sacre-Coeur.
In 1982, we celebrated our 25th Anniversary as a Parish. A special "Book of Memories" with photos of parishioners and groups was created.
In October 1991, Sr. Catherine (Kitty) McCann, gsic was hired as a Pastoral Associate. She retired in March 1998.
On February 10, 1992, the Knights of Columbus Council #10809 received its charter.
In 1995, and elevator was installed to make all levels of the Church more accessible.
In 1997, we celebrated our 40th Anniversary as a Parish. Father Pat Lafleur was the Pastor at the time.
In September 2000, Denise DeBernardi was hired as a part-time Pastoral Assoiciate. She retired in June 2007.
In January 2000, renovations were made to the rectory.
On May 18, 2000, a special Mass and reception was held to honour Canon Jones' 60th Anniversary of Ordination.
On November 1, 2000, the new stain glass windows were unveiled and dedicated in thanksgiving of Canon Jones for his years of priestly ministry.
In the summer of 2002, repairs and renovations to the Parish roof were done.
In the summer of 2004, replacement of original windows in the Parish Hall as well as major renovations in the hall. Air conditioning in the Church was installed.
In the winter of 2006, major renovations were done to the Parish Kitchen.
During the year of 2007, we celebrated our 50th Anniversary with a variety of activities including a new Parish Memory Book, Parish Picnic, High Tea, an Open House and a Gala Dinner.
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