Liturgical Ministries
Altar Servers:
Boys and girls, currently in grade four and up, who assist the priest during Sunday Masses and other liturgical services.
Adult Servers:
Men and women who act as alter servers for Sunday Masses, funeral liturgies, weekday Masses and other liturgical services.
Eucharistic Ministries:
Women and men who because of their baptism, values, dedication, faithfulness to Mass and a deep belief in the Real Presence, have been mandated to administer the Body and Blood of Christ at Sunday Mass and other liturgical services.
Eucharistic Ministers to the Sick and Shut-Ins:
Women and men who administer Holy Communion to family members or fellow parishioners who are sick and shut-in.
Lectors (Readers):
Women and men who proclaim the Scripture readings to the assembly during Sunday Masses and other liturgical services.
Music Ministers:
Men, women and youth who are willing to provide music for our weekend Masses and other special occasions - anyone with a musical talent or interest is welcomed!
Women and men who volunteer to clean the sacred vessels, altar area and linens as well as set-up the weekend Masses.
Men and women who assist at the weekend Masses and other special occasions by greeting people at the entrance, taking up the collection and assisting people in need during Mass.
For all liturgical ministries contact Fr. Wayne or Paulette Rostad.
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