Download Homilies as an MP3 File
When you click on the link below, you will be taken to Media Fire where you will be given the option to download the MP3 file. This should take approximately 3-4 minutes. Once downloaded onto your hard drive you can play the file using your computer's Windows Media Player.
June 29, 2014 (Fr. John - Solemnity of St. Peter & St. Paul - Living our Kingly and Prophetic Call)
June 22, 2014 (Witness Talk by Jeannine Woods on Eucharistic Adoration)
June 22, 2014 (Fr. John - Corpus Christi - Jesus Is With Us)
June 1, 2014 (Fr. John - Ascension Sunday - Passing the Torch Along)
May 25, 2014 (Fr. John - 6th Sunday of Easter - We Are Never Alone)
May 18, 2014 (Deacon Larry - 5th Sunday of Easter - Preparing A Room)
May 4, 2014 (Fr. John - 3rd Sunday of Easter- Three Lessons from Emmaus)
April 27. 2014 (Fr. John - 2nd Sunday of Easter - A Spiritual Hattrick: Octave, Mercy & Saints)
April 20, 2014 (Fr. John - Easter Sunday)
April 18, 2014 (Fr. John - Good Friday: Passion of Our Lord Jesus Christ)
April 17. 2014 (Fr. John - Holy Thursday: Mass of the Lord's Supper)
April 13, 2014 (Deacon Larry - Palm Sunday - Living Holy Week)
April 6, 2014 (Fr. John - 5th Sunday of Lent - Unbinding Ourselves - The Benefits of Confession)
March 30, 2014 (Deacon Larry - 4th Sunday of Lent - Overcoming Spiritual Blindness)
March 26. 2014 (Fr. John - Ministerial Association Lenten Series - Lessons From Pilate)
March 23, 2014 (Fr. John - 3rd Sunday of Lent - Encountering Jesus at the Well)
March 16, 2014 (Fr. John - 2nd Sunday of Lent - Our Need to be Transfigured)
March 9. 2014 (Fr. John - 1st Sunday of Lent - Why We Need Lent)
March 2, 2014 (Fr. John - 8th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Dealing With Worry In Life)
February 9, 2014 (Fr. John - 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Being Salt & Light Disciples)
February 2, 2014 (Fr. John - Feast of the Presentation of Our Lord - Being Like Simeon)
January 5, 2014 (Fr. John - Solemnity of the Epiphany - Their Journey Is Our Journey)
January 1, 2014 (Fr. John - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God - Developing A Spiritual Plan)
Archived Homilies
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