Children & Youth
Let the Children Come to Me:
This is a weekly religious program geared for children aged 4 to 10 at the 11AM Sunday Mass. It offers young people an opportunity to reflect upon the readings, at their age level, as well as apply the readings through a craft or activity. Adult leaders and youth helpers accompany the children in the Parish Hall where the program takes place. Contact: Anita at 705-647-5035.
Youth Ministry:
At present we do not have a youth group. We would, however, like to begin a youth ministry program for students in grade nine to twelve. This group would meet on a regular basis and be involved with social, spiritual and community projects. Both youth and adult “mentors / leaders” who are interested in this area are welcome to help begin this new and exciting ministry. Contact: Audrey Shelton (647-6205).
ECCS Rosary Group:
Each Tuesday, during lunch time, members of the Catholic Women's League and Rosary Prayer Group visit the students at ECCS. They come together with students to learn more about the rosary and devotion to Mary. Children of all ages are welcome to participate in this group.
Adults are needed for supervision at the weekly Rosary Club. It takes place Wednesdays from 12 noon to 12:45. If interested contact Kathie Garahan at 705-647-6390.
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