Catholic Women's League
The Catholic Women's League of Our Mother of Perpetual Help Parish is a very active organization. Our members are involved in many ministries within the parish and the community. We have monthly general meetings on the second Wednesday of each month except in December and June when we share a meal and entertainment with one another. Our membership stands at 100 women with over 20 attending our meetings each month. Through our standing committees we educate ourselves on health and education, family life issues, resolutions and legislation of our Canadian government. We let our voices be heard in Ottawa with letters and petitions. We keep in touch with members who are ill and provide spiritual programs as well. Our members provide the funeral luncheons, help at the food bank and meals on wheels.
If you are a Catholic Woman interested in learning more about your faith and how you can live out your mission to become holy through service to the people of God, come to a meeting, talk to a member, visit the national website. We are much more than bake sales and potlucks!
For more information visit the Ontario website at or the national website at
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