Associated Parish Groups
New Liskeard Catholic Cemetery:
We are very fortunate to have a Catholic Cemetery jointly owned and operated by the two Catholic Parishes in the area. The Catholic Cemetery is located on Dawson Point Road and is a beautiful and sacred space for the internment of loved ones. For the purchase of lots or any concerns dealing with cemetery issues, contact Alain Pelletier, 705-647-2992.
Right to Life:
Pro-Vie Tri-Town Right to Life is the local pro-life organization servicing our area. Members of Tri-Town Right to Life believe in the right to life of all individuals from the moment of conception until natural death, regardless of race, creed, gender or degree of ability. This group is involved in a variety of activities including: assisting pregnant teens, providing educational resources about life issues and working at the political level to bring about protection for human life. For further information about becoming a member contact Kathie Garahan (705-647-6390).
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