Archived Homilies
December 29, 2013 (Deacon Larry - Feast of the Holy Family - Living Like Mary & Joseph)
December 25, 2013 (Fr. John - Christmas Midnight Mass - Having a God with Skin On)
December 22, 2013 (Fr. John - 4th Sunday of Advent - Learning from Joseph's Silence)
December 15, 2013 (Fr. John - 3rd Sunday of Advent - Rejoicing Through Forgiveness)
December 8, 2013 (Fr. John - 2nd Sunday of Advent - Going Into the Desert)
December 1, 2013 (Fr. John - 1st Sunday of Advent - Preparing Now for the Comings of Christ)
November 24, 2013 (Deacon Larry - Christ the King - Embracing the True King in our Lives)
November 17, 2013 (Fr. John - 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Preparing Now For Eternal Life)
October 27, 2013 (Deacon Larry - 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Coming Humbly Before God)
October 20, 2013 (Fr. John - 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Praying Always & Not Losing Hope)
October 13, 2013 (Fr. John - 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Developing an Attitude of Gratitude)
October 10, 2013 (Judy Walsh - Witness Talk - What Does It Mean to Glorify God?)
October 6, 2013 (Deacon Larry - 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Growing One's Faith)
September 29, 2013 (Fr. John - 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Being Good Stewards)
September 22, 2013 (Fr. John - 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time - How We Use Our Money)
September 15, 2013 (Fr. John - 24th Sunday in Ordinary Time - God's Crazy Love for His People)
September 8, 2013 (Fr. John - 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Accepting the Cost of Discipleship)
September 1, 2013 (Fr. John - 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Embracing Humility)
August 25, 2013 (Fr. John - 21st Sunday in Ordinary Time - Entering Life Through the Narrow Gate)
August 4, 2013 (Fr. John - 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Making Sure the Dollars Aren't in the Way)
July 28, 2013 (Deacon Larry - 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Being People of Prayer)
July 21, 2013 (Fr. John - 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Being Both Mary and Martha)
July 14, 2013 (Fr. John - 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Reaching Out to Those In Need)
July 7, 2013 (Fr. John - 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Being Sent Out in Jesus' Name)
June 23, 2013 (Deacon Larry - 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Responding to Jesus' Question)
June 16, 2013 (Fr. John - 11th Sunday in Ordinary Time - A Take of Two Sinners and the Mercy of God)
May 19, 2013 (Fr. John - Solemnity of Pentecost - Embraced and Empowered by the Spirit)
May 12, 2013 (Deacon Larry - Solemnity of the Ascension of Our Lord)
May 5, 2013 (Fr. John - 6th Sunday of Easter - Three Gifts to Assist Us)
April 28, 2013 (Fr. John - 5th Sunday of Easter - Love That Transforms)
April 21, 2013 (Fr. John - 4th Sunday of Easter - Following the Good Shepherd)
April 14, 2013 (Fr. John - 3rd Sunday of Easter - Tending and Feeding the Sheep)
April 7, 2013 (Deacon Larry - 2nd Sunday of Easter - Believing Like Thomas)
March 29, 2013 (Fr. John - Good Friday - Living for Christ: Embracing the Cross)
March 28, 2013 (Fr. John - Holy Thursday - Living for Christ: The Call to Humble Service)
March 24, 2013 (Fr. John - Palm Sunday - Living Through Holy Week)
March 17, 2013 (Fr. John - 5th Sunday of Lent - Standing Between Misery and Mercy)
March 10, 2013 (Fr. John - 4th Sunday of Lent - A Story of Two Bothers)
March 3. 2013 (Fr. John - 3rd Sunday of Lent - Carpe Diem: Now is the Time to Repent)
February 17, 2013 (Fr. John - 1st Sunday of Lent - Entering the Desert)
February 10, 2013 (Fr. John - 5th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Putting Out Into the Deep)
February 3, 2013 (Fr. John - 4th Sunday of Ordinary Time - Being a People of Love)
January 13. 2013 (Deacon Larry - Baptism of Our Lord - Living Our Baptism Day by Day)
January 6. 2013 (Fr. John - Epiphany of Our Lord - Following the Magi on Pilgrimage)
January 1, 2013 (Fr. John - Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God - Saying Yes)
December 30, 2012 (Fr. John - Feast of the Holy Family - Living Holiness in Daily Life)
December 25, 2012 (Fr. John - Christmas Midnight Mass - Christmas Through A Seven Year Old)
December 23, 2012 (Fr. John - 4th Sunday of Advent - Accepting Our Greatness)
December 16, 2013 (Fr. John - 3rd Sunday of Advent - Rejoicing and Hoping Even in Tragedy)
December 9, 2012 (Fr. John - 2nd Sunday of Advent - Preparing the Way for the Lord)
December 2, 2012 (Fr. John - 1st Sunday of Advent - A New Year and A New Hope)
November 18, 2012 (Deacon Larry - 33rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Preparing for End Times)
November 11, 2012 (Fr. John - 32nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Giving With One's Heart)
November 1, 2012 (Fr. John - 31st Sunday in Ordinary Time - Living the Law of Love)
October 28, 2012 (Deacon Larry - 30th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Overcoming Spiritual Blindness)
October 21, 20012 (Fr. John - 29th Sunday in Ordinary Time - To Serve Without Counting the Cost)
October 14, 2012 (Fr. John - 28th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Hungering for Eternal Life)
October 7, 2012 (Fr. John - 27th Sunday in Ordinary Time - The Beauty of Sex and Marriage)
September 30, 2012 (Deacon Larry - 26th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Loving Discipleship Each Day)
September 23, 2012 (Fr. John - 25th Sunday in Ordinary Time - The Call to Humble Service)
September 9, 2012 (Fr. John - 23rd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Be Opened!)
September 2, 2012 (Deacon Larry - 22nd Sunday in Ordinary Time - Serving God With Our Hearts)
August 5, 2012 (Fr. John - 18th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Understanding the Mass: The Intro Rites)
July 29, 2012 (Fr. John - 17th Sunday in Ordinary Time - A Walk Through the Mass)
July 22, 2012 (Fr. John - 16th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Being A Shepherd Today)
July 15, 2012 (Fr. John - 15th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Traveling Light and Trusting in the Lord)
July 8, 2012 (Fr. John - 14th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Me? A Prophet?)
July 1, 2012 (Fr. John - 13th Sunday in Ordinary Time - Do Not Fear, but Believe)
June 24, 2012 (Deacon Larry - John the Baptist - Pointing the Way)
June 3, 2012 (Fr. John - Trinity Sunday - Living In Relationship With the Trinity)
May 27, 2012 (Deacon Larry - Pentecost Sunday - Living With the Spirit)
May 20, 2012 (Fr. John - Ascension Sunday - Being Christ in the World Today)
May 18, 2012 (Witness Talk by Linda Whitehouse on the Rosary)
May 13, 2012 (Fr. John - 6th Sunday of Easter - Accepting and Living God's Love)
May 6, 2012 (Fr. John - 5th Sunday of Easter - How To Abide In Jesus)
April 29, 2012 (Fr. John - 4th Sunday of Easter - Being Good Shepherds to One Another)
April 27, 2012 (Witness Talk by Paulette Rostad on RCIA)
April 22, 2012 (Deacon Larry - 3rd Sunday of Easter - Embracing Easter Peace)
April 15, 2012 (Fr John - 2nd Sunday of Easter - Let Us Rejoice and Be Glad!)
April 8, 2012 (Fr. John - Easter Sunday - Being Evangelizers Today (shorter))
April 7, 2012 (Fr. John - Easter Vigil - Being Evangelizers Today (longer))
April 6, 2012 (Fr. John - Good Friday - A Tale of Three Kisses)
April 5, 2012 (Fr. John - Holy Thursday - Surprised by the Gospel)
April 1, 2012 (Fr. John - Palm Sunday - Knowing and Journeying With Christ)
March 18, 2012 (Fr. John - Lent Week 4 - We Are God's Work of Art)
March 11, 2012 (Deacon Larry - Lent Week 3 - Living Faith Daily)
March 5, 2012 (Fr. John - Lent Week 2 - Silence and Listening)
February 26, 2012 (Fr. John - Lent Week 1 - Our Call to Repentance and Believing)
Witness Talk by Marg Arthur - What Lent Means to Me
February 22, 2012 (Fr. John - Ash Wednesday - Now Is The Acceptable Time)
February 19, 2012 (Deacon Larry - Experiencing Healing and Forgiveness from God)
February 12, 2012 (Fr. John - Touching the Lepers in Our Lives Today)
February 5, 2012 (Deacon Larry - A Compassionate God)
January 15, 2012 (Fr. John - Living like Andrew)
January 8, 2012 (Fr. John - Daring to Follow the Star)
Midnight Mass Christmas Homily (Fr. John - Making Room for Christ)
December 18, 2011 (Deacon Larry - Finding a Dwelling Place for Christ)
December 11, 2011 (Fr. John - Following in the Footsteps of John the Baptist)
December 4, 2011 (Fr. Matthew Kucharski - Comfort of the Lord)
November 20th, 2011 (Serving Christ the King by Serving Others)
Extraordinary Minister of Communion Workshop on General Instruction Part 1 (Nov. 17, 2011)
Extraordinary Minister of Communion Workshop on General Instruction Part 2 (Nov. 17, 2011)
Lector's Workshop on General Instruction Part 1 (Nov. 27, 2011)
Lector's Workshop on General Instruction Part 2 (Nov. 27, 2011)
Roman Missal Session #4 Fr. John on the Liturgy of the Eucharist (Communion Rite)
Roman Missal Session #4 Fr. John on the Concluding Rites
November 13th, 2011 (Understanding the Changes in the Revised Mass)
Roman Missal Session #3 Fr. John on the Liturgy of the Word
Roman Missal Session #3 Fr. John on the Liturgy of the Eucharist
Roman Missal Session #2 Fr. John on the Introductory Rites (part 1)
Roman Missal Session #2 Fr. John on the Introductory Rites (part 2)
Roman Missal Session#2 Fr. John on the Liturgy of the Word
Witness Talk by Jeannine Woods on Eucharistic Adoration
October 30th, 2011 (Glorifying God with Humble Service)
Roman Missal Session #1 Fr. John on the Changes to the Roman Missal
Roman Missal Session #1 Fr. John on the Changes to the Roman Missal (part 2)
Roman Missal Session #1 Fr. John on the Changes to the Introductory Rites of Mass (part 1)
Roman Missal Session #1 Fr. John on the Changes to the Introductory Rites (part 2)
October 23rd, 2011 (Deacon Larry) Loving God
October 9th, 2011 Homily (Responding to the Invitation)
October 2nd, 2011 Homily (Coping With Worry)
September 25th, 2011 Homily (Deacon Larry)
September 18th, 2011 Homily (Fighting Envy)
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